The Band

We are The Great Machine Divided. We stand against the automationist oligarchs that hijacked the future of mankind with their lies and false promises. Our mission is to expose the reality of VISION 666 and the false messiahs of the GMU. They claim to be ascending humanity when they are in fact planning a global takeover using war machines and AI.

Our music is fuel to the resistance against the silicone lords and aspiring tech-gods. Although they tried again and again to ban us and silence our voice, we will never stop spreading the truth.

They replaced us with robots and took us out of the market, they raped our privacy with their all-seeing surveillance systems and destroyed our freedom with their algorithmic prison society. As long as there is breath in our body, blood in our veins, and hearts in our chests, we will never surrender to the machine.

Don’t be fooled by their false promises, join the resistance and put an end to their authority now.